Wicca is an unending path of light, magic, love, and constant learning. We revere nature and see the true divine beauty of the universe. It's about recognizing that we all have the ability to take our fate into our own hands, and we have the right to choose how we use that power. There is no bible and no prophet. Our only rule is a simple and logical one: "An it harm none, do as ye will".Wicca is an earth religion based on ancient (even prehistoric) paganism. Wicca itself is relatively new, a reconstruction loosely based on old religion and early witchcraft. Its roots are hard to trace because of persecution, which caused people and records to be hidden or destroyed.Creating a good collection of books takes months and years of hard searching and a lot of money. I hope my collection of books can save a lot of time for people who are interested in Wicca and are interested in good quality books on these topics.Books Offered in This Library:- Anonymous - All About Wicca and Witchcraft- Anonymous - Wicca And Magick Beginning Wicca What is Wicca - Anonymous - Beyond Wicca Journey To The One The Elements - Anonymous - Wicca Beliefs and Practices- Anonymous - Wicca Beliefs and Practices- Anonymous - Correlian Wicca- Anonymous - Practicing The Craft Why Young People Are Attracted To Wicca- Al Selden Leif - 6 Questions On Wicca And Paganism- Anonymous - Witchcraft and Wicca FAQ- Frances Billinghurst - Is Wicca the Right Spiritual Path for Me - Anonymous - What Is Wicca Article 1- Julia Phillips - History Of Wicca In England- Lisa Dinsmore - Representation Of Paganism Wicca And Witchcraft In Modern Fictional Mass Media- Anonymous - The Legal Basis For Wicca- Richard Roy - 13 Questions On Paganism And Wicca- Gordon Ireland - FAQ On Wicca And Witchcraft And More - Anonymous - What Is Wicca Article 2- Robert Maginnis - Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The US Military- Amber Lynne Ault - Witches Wicca And Revitalization Reconsideration- AJ Drew - Wicca Spellcraft For Men- Alot More unlisted books...